Informed by regional work in Illinois to bring local public health and aging services partners together to advance social connectedness, along with input from over 100 community partners in public health, aging, community development, and social services, this report...
This publication by Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) features ten Mentee collaborations from the first two funding rounds of the DASH Mentor program.
This summarizes the key findings from the landscape analysis, “Responding to Opioid Overdoses and Treating Opioid Use Disorder: A Landscape Analysis of Chicago’s West and South Side” created with support from the Chicago Department of Public Health and...
With support from the Chicago Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the landscape analysis project aimed to identify barriers to care for people living with opioid use disorder (OUD) and individuals at risk of an...
Ensuring families are supported in their lactation journeys, from the prenatal period through birth and postpartum, is critical to increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration in the United States. This resource guide provides examples of strategies various...
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