
Hospitals, Clinics, and Healthcare Providers

9 Steps to Breastfeeding Friendly: Guidelines for Community Health Centers and Outpatient Care Settings

This toolkit from the California WIC Association provides 9 steps to support community health centers and outpatient care settings to successfully implement practices and policies to support breastfeeding.

Baby Friendly USA, INC, Hospital Initiative: Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding

Review the 10 step evidence-based practices that have been shown to increase breastfeeding initiation and duration. Baby Friendly USA is the accediting body and national authority for the breastfeeding friendly hospital initiative. 

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and CDC Breastfeeding Curriculum and Resources

To increase the availability and accessibility of medical provider education and training related to breastfeeding and to promote continuity of breastfeeding-related care in their communities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Academy of Pediatrics worked to develop several resources, including a breastfeeding curriculum for residency programs and several guidance documents.

Additional Resources

Additional resources to support hospitals, clinics and healthcare providers improve support for breastfeeding include: