
Early Care & Education

Illinois Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Resources

Trainings and tools are available to support child care providers in creating breastfeeding-friendly policies, practices, and environments at their site. Check out the Breastfeeding Trainings available in the Gateways to Opportunities Professional Development system for child care providers. The trainings also provide access to a self-assessment tool called Go NAPSACC, which includes an infant feeding module, so providers can assess their own practices against best practices.

Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care from San Diego

The University of California San Diego created these breastfeeding-friendly child care resources to help train and support chilcare providers to support families to breastfeed. Resources include training videos and online courses.

USDA- Breastfed Babies Welcome Here

Communications tools that Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) operators can use to let mothers and families know that breastfed babies are welcome at their child care sites, including posters, stickers and a guide for moms.

Additional Resources

Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Resources from Other States: