Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH)
DASH supports collaborations that work together to improve the health of their communities, promote health equity, and contribute to a Culture of Health by strengthening information-sharing systems, engaging additional sectors and community members, and building sustainable capacity to work collaboratively toward community goals. DASH shares lessons learned from awardees to create a body of knowledge and advance this emerging field of sharing data and information across and beyond traditional health sectors, and leverages peer-to-peer connection opportunities to spread innovative approaches that address the root causes of inequity and poor health. The home for this network of dissemination is All In: Data for Community Health.

Key Strategies

Build local capacity
Fund and support multi-sector community collaborations to increase their capacity to test, implement, and document innovative practices.

Build the evidence base
Disseminate lessons and successful practices to build the evidence base for the field.

Build the movement
Cultivate broad stakeholder relationships to co-create a national movement to support community-based initiatives.

Policy and systems change
Advancing health equity state-by-state, community-by-community across the country by promoting data-sharing on social determinants of health.
All In: Data for Community Health
DASH partners with other national and state program offices to co-create a peer-to-peer learning community: All In: Data for Community Health: BUILD Health Challenge, the Public Health National Center for Innovations, New Jersey Health Initiatives, the Public Health Innovations Lab and the Network for Public Health Law. All In partners share the goal of transforming health and achieving equity through strong, multi-sector partnerships that share data.
We learn along with participating communities about what works, co-develop practical resources, and increase the impact of innovations amongst and beyond our funded communities. Membership in the All In online community is both a prerequisite for DASH funding and a primary mechanism by which we learn from each other’s progress and grow the field. “The field” is loosely defined as community collaborations that engage multiple sectors and use or plan to systematically share data to increase organizational and community capacity to improve individual and community health. The All In online community can be a valuable resource for peer learning and gathering data on successes and challenges.
Learn More
To learn more about Data Across sectors for Health (DASH) or All In, visit the websites, subscribe to the monthly All In newsletter, and join the online community. You may write to or contact Waldo Mikels-Carrasco at 312-850-4744